

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 0 views
  1. Downloading the script files
  2. Installing the dependency packages
  3. Authentication
  4. Installing and Preparing Python for BDRSuite Offsite DR Server

Downloading the script files

  • Download the from the BDRSuite Backup Server machine and unzip it.

  • Copy the BDRSuiteScripts folder extracted from the zip file to the Vembu Directory,

Windows BDR Backup Server


For example, C:\Program Files\Vembu\

Linux BDR Backup Server


For Example, home/vembubdr/Vembu

Installing the dependency packages

  • Pandas package is required for executing a few custom report script.
  • To install the package open command prompt with administrative privileges and run the command given below
command>> “C:\Program Files\Vembu\BackupForAWS\Python37\python.exe” “C:\Program Files\Vembu\BackupForAWS\Python37\Scripts\pip.exe” install pandas

Note: The dependency packages need to be installed only once.


  • Follow the steps required to proceed with the authentication protocol for executing the automation scripts.
  • The auth.csv file will be present inside the BDRSuiteAutentication Folder.

Windows BDR Backup Server


Linux BDR Backup Server

  • Open the auth.csv file using any text editor and update the following inputs.

a. UserName: Login user name created for the BDRSuite Backup Server web console.

b. password_md5: Update the md5 value of login password of the BDRSuite Backup Server.

Use the following link to get the md5 value,

Example: The md5 value of ‘admin’ is ‘21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3’

c. endpoint_url: Update the URL BDRSuite Backup Server of which you want to get the custom report.

Endpoint_url format: http://machine_name(or)machine_ip:port/bdrwebservices.php

  • Sample Input : The sample input is as follows;


Installing and Preparing Python for BDRSuite Offsite DR Server

1. Download the latest python version(v3 and above recommended) from the following URL,

2. Run the python installer and choose Add Python to PATH option in the Installation Wizard before proceeding with the installation.

3. Open command prompt with administrative privileges.

4 . Run the following command in Command Prompt to install the dependency packages of python.


pip install pandas

For example:

Windows: C:\Rebuild>pip install pandas

Linux: /home/Rebuild>pip3 install pandas

For example:

Windows: C:\BDRSuiteScripts>pip install pandas

Linux: /home/BDRSuiteScripts>pip3 install pandas

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