
Add Credentials

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This operation will add a large number of credentials of Host/Entities to the BDRSuite backup server. Follow the steps given below to prepare the input file and execute the python script for adding credentials of Hosts/Entities,

Note: Applicable To Windows BDR Backup Server and Linux BDR Backup Server.

1. The input.csv file for Add Credentials operation will be present inside the following folder.

Windows BDR Backup Server


For Example , C:\ProgramFiles\Vembu\ BDRSuiteScripts\AddCredentials\input.csv

Linux BDR Backup Server


For Example , home/vembubdr/Vembu/BDRSuiteScripts/AddCredentials/input.csv

2. Open the input.csv file using any text editor and give inputs.

Sample Input




Input Details

Name Type Description Mandatory / Optional
Action String ADD_CREDENTIALS Mandatory
credentialName String Value specifying the name of the credential to be added. Mandatory
credentialUserName String Value specifying the username of the credential to be added. Mandatory
credentialPassword String Value specifying the name of the credential to be added. Mandatory

3. The python script for adding credentials will be present inside the following folder.

Windows BDR Backup Server


For Example , C:\Program Files\Vembu\ BDRSuiteScripts\AddCredentials\

Linux BDR Backup Server


For Example , home/vembubdr/ Vembu/BDRSuiteScripts/AddCredentials/

4. Open command prompt with administrative privileges. Change the working directory to where you have downloaded the python script folder and run the file with command given below,

Windows BDR Backup Server


For Example , C:\Program Files\Vembu\BackupForAWS\Python37\python.exe”

Linux BDR Backup Server


For Example , home/vembubdr/Vembu/BackupForAWS/Python37/bin/python”

5. After successful execution of the script the output will be saved as a csv file.

6. Open output.csv to check the response in the following location below,

Windows BDR Backup Server


For Example , C:\ProgramFiles\Vembu\BDRSuiteScripts\AddCredentials\output.csv

Linux BDR Backup Server


For Example , home/vembubdr/Vembu/BDRSuiteScripts/AddCredentials/output.csv
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