Email Notifications

Email Notifications allow you to receive reports instantly after every activity (backup, replication, recovery and more) and also periodically. You need to first configure SMTP server and can provide one or multiple email addresses to which you want to receive backup alerts.

Criteria Based Email Notification

You can set up email notifications and receive reports via email based on predefined criteria mentioned below,

  • When Backup/Restore/Delete completes successfully
  • When Backup/Restore/Delete fails
  • When a Backup is manually suspended
  • When Backup/Restore is partially completed
  • When a Backup schedule is missed

You can exclude entities (hosts/client agents/backup jobs) from the configured criteria-based email notification, as well as have different recipients for success and failure reports. You can also use different Email addresses for each report (Backup, Restore, Delete, Offsite Replication & Data Integrity Check).

Scheduled Email Notification

Set up email notifications and receive reports via email on a regular and scheduled basis. Scheduled Email Notification can also be configured from the individual report menu and it is available for the following reports,

The recent backup jobs schedule report contains information about the most recent backup job schedule.

The backup jobs dashboard displays the daily status of all backup jobs backing up to this backup server. This section highlights the most recent schedule status for each day.

The recent Hosts/VMs backup schedule report includes information on the most recent backup schedule for all physical and virtual machines (across all backup jobs) backing up to this backup server. The report also includes a job summary for each Host/VM.

The backup of hosts/VMs dashboard displays the daily status of all physical and virtual machines backing up to this backup server. The report displays the most recent schedule status of hosts/VMs for each day.

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