3-2-1 Backup Strategy

Protect Your Data and Implement 3-2-1 Backup Rule with BDRSuite

  • Create multiple backup copies of data
  • Store data on different storage mediums
  • Configure offsite backups to your remote data center or Cloud
  • Store backups on cloud storage – BDRCloud, S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud, S3 compatible storage such as Wasabi, MinIO, etc
  • Backup to tape for archival
  • Backup copy for redundancy
  • Offsite copy for disaster recovery
  • Store backups locally – local disk, NAS, SAN, Tape

What is 3 2 1 Backup Rule?

3 2 1 backup rule is basically having 3 copies of data in 2 different medias with 1 offsite backup copy.

3 Copies of Data

Three copies of data should be maintained. Which means having original data with two additional copies. This redundancy helps ensure that if one copy is lost or corrupted, still we have two other copies of data to rely on.

2 Different Media

Storing the backup copies on at least two different types of media. For example, one copy on an external hard drive or a network-attached storage (NAS) device and another copy on a cloud. This minimizes the risk that any hardware failures or data corruption could affect both copies and ensures that either one of the copy is always available for recovery.

1 Offsite Backup

One of the three copies should be stored offsite. This means that in addition to the local backups, an offsite backup copy should be maintained, in a remote location, which can be a cloud backup or an offsite backup. Having an offsite backup provides protection against threats which can affect your primary data and local backups.

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Importance of 3-2-1 Backup Strategy

Resilience Against Data Loss: The 3-2-1 Backup Rule ensures that your data is resilient against a range of threats, from hardware failures to cyberattacks and natural disasters. This redundancy acts as a safety net, significantly reducing the risk of permanent data loss.
Data Accessibility: With three copies of your data, you have immediate and redundant access to your information. This means that even if one copy becomes corrupted or inaccessible, you have two other copies ready for retrieval.
Offsite Protection: The 3-2-1 rule emphasizes keeping at least one copy of your data offsite. This protects against localized disasters, like fires or floods, which could destroy all on-site copies. Offsite backups are your lifeline when the unexpected strikes.
Simplicity and Reliability: The 3-2-1 approach is straightforward to implement and has been proven effective over time. Its simplicity makes it an approachable and reliable method for data protection.

How BDRSuite helps Businesses in Complying with the 3-2-1 Backup Strategy

Supports Multiple Backup Copies: BDRSuite lets you create multiple backup copies using features like Secondary backup copy, Offsite Copy and Tape Archive.
Supports Diverse Storage Mediums: BDRSuite offers support for different storage options, including both local and cloud storage. Local storages such as directly attached storage disks, or network shares like SAN or NAS, and also cloud storages like S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud, and S3 Compatible storage like MinIO and Wasabi. With this support, businesses can store data in different media.

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Key Features of BDRSuite that Enables Businesses to Effectively Implement the 3-2-1 Backup Strategy

Backup to Tape for Archival

BDRSuite’s Tape Archive feature allows to create backups of their critical data and store it on tape storage devices.This adds an extra layer of data redundancy and offers a secure, offline backup solution for disaster recovery. The benefits of Tape Archives in BDRSuite facilitates long-term data retention, reduces the risk of online threats through offline backups, offers cost-efficiency for large data volumes, and seamlessly integrates into a comprehensive data protection strategy.

BDRSuite ensures data redundancy, diverse storage media, offsite data copies helping businesses to satisfy the 3-2-1 backup strategy. By these robust features, BDRSuite provides a comprehensive solution that not only protects your data but also facilitates its recovery readily available.

Offsite Copy for Disaster Recovery

With BDRSuite’s Offsite Copy/DR feature, you can ensure the safety of the data by storing a copy of the backup data in a remote data center or BDRCloud. Storing a copy of your backup data offsite is essential for disaster recovery and to comply with 3-2-1 backup rule. This added layer of security ensures protection against data loss or ransomware threats, ensuring the resilience of critical information.

You can setup BDRSuite Offsite DR Server in a remote/branch office and store an offsite copy on local disk, NAS, SAN, S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud, S3 compatible storage such as Wasabi, MinIO, etc. Alternatively, the CloudDR option provides seamless offsite storage within BDRCloud, ensuring your data’s accessibility even in the face of catastrophic events.

Backup Copy for Redundancy

Creating a secondary copy of your backup data, either in the same or a different location, enhances redundancy. In the unfortunate event of a ransomware attack that compromises the primary set of backup data, having this redundancy in place becomes crucial. The unaffected secondary copy acts as a safeguard, ensuring that critical data can still be recovered without paying a ransom or losing access to important information.

BDRSuite supports to seamlessly create secondary backup copies, making your data safer from ransomware threats. With BDRSuite, you can store the backup copy in the same or different location and storage mediums.

3-2-1 Backup – FAQ

Storing backup media offsite is important because it provides protection against disasters like fires, floods, or theft that could affect your primary data storage. If your backups are kept in a separate location, your data remains safe, ensuring a better chance of recovery when needed.
The best backup strategy is 3-2-1 backup strategy. This involves a mix of on-site and off-site backups and suggests storing data on different storage mediums. Combining both methods offers a balanced and secure approach to data protection.
It’s recommended to have at least three copies of your data. This includes the original data plus two backup copies. Having multiple backups, preferably stored in different locations, increases your data’s resilience against unexpected events and ensures you’re better prepared for data loss scenarios.
There are several options for physical backup storage. Choose the option that best fits your data volume and access needs.

    External Hard Drives: Portable and easy to use, these provide a cost-effective solution for smaller amounts of data.

    NAS and SAN: Ideal for Medium and Large businesses, NAS and SAN devices offer centralized storage and can be placed on-site.

    Tape Drives: Suitable for long-term storage, tape drives are reliable and cost-efficient.

    Offsite Facilities: For ultimate security, you can use secure offsite storage services or facilities designed for backups.

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