Offsite Copy for Disaster Recovery

Offsite Copy/DR is a process of creating and transferring a copy of backup data to a remote server.

  • Store a copy of backup data on a local server in Remote/Branch office
  • Store a copy of backup data on Cloud (Private/Public/Hybrid or BDRSuite Cloud)

Offsite copies offer additional data protection and make it easy to access your data even if your primary data backup becomes unavailable.

Key Features

Instantly recover the offsite copy backup data of your Physical or Virtual machine as a ready state VM in VMware/Hyper-V/KVM directly from the Offsite DR server.

BDRSuite supports the where-it-left-off functionality for offsite copy. BDRSuite intelligently resumes offsite backup from where it left off during the last schedule. So in the next run, BDRSuite does not re upload the entire data and will continue to backup only the remaining data. This saves backup time and significantly reduces the data uploaded every time after an interruption and also reduces bandwidth usage.

BDRSuite uses AES-256 encryption to secure your data. All your backups are encrypted both at flight and at rest.

BDRSuite has built-in WAN acceleration to optimize the data transfer over WAN. The transfer of redundant data is eliminated thereby reducing the bandwidth used.

Bandwidth throttling lets you easily control the bandwidth consumption allowing you to set the bandwidth limit that needs to be used by Offsite backups.

Seed Backup lets you perform initial data transfer from the backup server to Offsite DR server via external drive (USB/HDD). This saves the bandwidth and time consumed when transferring a large amount of data over the network.

How to set up an Offsite Copy/DR

BDRSuite offers Offsite Copy feature to perform offsite backup to a local server in the remote site, to BDRSuite Cloud or to any Public Clouds (AWS, Azure, Google).

  • Install BDRSuite OffsiteDR set up in a local server in the remote data center or in any of the cloud VMs running on AWS/Azure/Google. This acts as your offsite backup server.
  • Choose Offsite Copy → Offsite DR Server and configure your DR location.
  • As soon as your backups complete in your local server, the backup data is replicated to your Offsite DR server securely.
  • With BDRSuite, you’ll be able to implement the best 3-2-1 backup strategy, with which you can have 3 copies of data in 2 different media (Disk & Tape) and 1 in Offsite (Local datacenter/Cloud).

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