VM Backup to Cloud

Cloud object storage is a great choice for storing large volumes of unstructured data. It is highly reliable, scalable, and secure. Cloud object storage is also cost-effective, as it does not require large upfront investments in hardware and software. Additionally, cloud object storage offers access to data from anywhere in the world, allowing for more flexibility and faster data retrieval.

BDRSuite provides the ability to backup virtual machines to a wide range of cloud object storage. To do this, simply setup a cloud object storage repo in BDRSuite and then configure a backup job to use the storage repository. BDRSuite will then transfer the backup data directly to the cloud object storage.

Why to go for VM backup to Cloud : Key Benefits

BDRSuite simplifies the management of your cloud-based object storage by providing a unified interface for all your cloud-based object storage solutions. BDRSuite supports a variety of cloud object storage, such as Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Blob, Google Cloud and S3-Compatible solutions such as MinIO, Wasabi, Backblaze, etc,

BDRSuite provides you the option to store your backup data directly on on cloud object storage. BDRSuite also allows you to store secondary backup copy or offsite copy data too in cloud storage. This way, you can have peace of mind that you have a secure and reliable backup of your data should anything happen to your local storage.

Cloud object storage offers more robust security than on-premises storage. Cloud storage providers use advanced security measures and encryption to keep data secure. Additionally, with cloud storage, data can be stored in multiple physical locations, making it much less vulnerable to physical disasters.

Cloud storage providers offer high availability and redundancy, meaning that if one server or datacenter goes down, your data is still safe and accessible. This is not the case with on-premises storage, where a single hardware failure can lead to data loss.

Cloud object storage can provide cost savings compared to on-premises, local storage. Cloud storage providers offer tiered pricing, meaning you pay only for what you use and can scale up or down as needed. Additionally, cloud object storage eliminates the need to purchase and maintain expensive on-premises hardware.

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