Vembu is more than just a company that provides top notch Backup and Data Recovery products and services. Our primary purpose is to build our brand and delight our customers with unforgettable service and  holistic customer experience.

1)   Briefly describe your business, including size and location

Protect Your Data with BDRSuite

Cost-Effective Backup Solution for VMs, Servers, Endpoints, Cloud VMs & SaaS applications. Supports On-Premise, Remote, Hybrid and Cloud Backup, including Disaster Recovery, Ransomware Defense & more!

GO2 IT Solutions Ltd is a subsidiary of DMC Business Machines Plc, we have 120 staff in 7 offices across the UK, and we provide bespoke cloud solutions to customers based in the UK.

2)  What was the problem that you were trying to address in offering Cloud Backup Service?

We wanted to offer our clients a resilient backup service that was easy for our team to manage and one that we didn’t need to build out storage for. In short we wanted all our customers on one platform that we can manage on their behalf.

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3)  What alternatives were you considering before nailing down on Vembu OnlineBackup?

We looked at Acronis, AppAssure, and Shadow Protect.

4)  Why did you choose Vembu OnlineBackup?

The main reason is we have had experience with Vembu’s Storegrid product before, and liked the interface, installation and web management modules, the price point for storage is also extremely competitive.

5)  What do you like most about Vembu OnlineBackup?

Mainly the web interface which allows us to check all our clients from a single portal, also the ease of installation onto new clients, the 24×7 support and the light weight installer.

6)  How did you go about implementing Vembu OnlineBackup for your business?

We targeted all customers using our existing cloud platform and productised the OnlineBackup product into our own managed offering. We then implemented a standard backup routine for most customers consisting of a mixture of full and incremental backups.

7)  How many machines at how many locations use Vembu OnlineBackup for data backup needs (currently / planned)?

Currently we have 10 active client using 2.24TB of data, however we plan to roll this out to all customers shortly.

8) Can you give us a quote about Vembu OnlineBackup and how it helped your business?

Vembu OnlineBackup has allowed us to offer, secure, UK located backup storage for our customers at an incredibly affordable price point.

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