AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer for Amazon S3 is a powerful tool that helps you identify and mitigate unintended or overly permissive access to your Amazon S3 buckets. It analyzes your bucket policies, access control lists (ACLs), and other resource-based policies to find potential vulnerabilities in your access configurations. By using Access Analyzer, you can ensure that your S3 buckets are properly secured and accessed only by authorized users or services.

Key features and benefits of IAM Access Analyzer for Amazon S3

  • Access Analysis

    Access Analyzer continuously evaluates your S3 bucket policies, ACLs, and related resource policies. It identifies access patterns that might grant unintended permissions to users, roles, or other entities

  • Unintended Access Detection

    Access Analyzer detects permissions that are broader than necessary, reducing the risk of unauthorized data exposure. It helps you identify overly permissive policies and configurations that could potentially lead to data breaches

  • Granular Insights

    The tool provides detailed findings that highlight specific actions or operations that grant unintended access. It shows which resource policies and conditions might lead to the identified vulnerabilities

  • Remediation Recommendations

    Access Analyzer suggests remediation steps to help you address the identified vulnerabilities. It offers guidance on how to modify your policies and configurations to achieve the desired access control

  • Continuous Monitoring

    Access Analyzer provides ongoing monitoring to catch changes in permissions and configurations over time. This ensures that your access controls remain effective as your infrastructure evolves

Using IAM Access Analyzer for Amazon S3, you can maintain a strong security posture for your S3 buckets by preventing unauthorized access and adhering to the principle of least privilege. It helps you identify and address access-related issues proactively, reducing the risk of data breaches and ensuring compliance with security best practices.

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Step by step instructions for configuring IAM Access analyzer

Step – 1 – Accessing the AWS Management Console with your login credentials
Step – 2 – Navigating to IAM Access Analyzer
From the AWS Management Console, search for IAM and select “IAM Access Analyzer.”

IAM Access Analyzer for S3

Step – 3 – Creating an Analyzer
On the IAM Access Analyzer dashboard, click the “Create analyzer” button.

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IAM Access Analyzer for S3

Step – 4 – Configuring the Analyzer
Provide a name for the analyzer in the “Name” field.

IAM Access Analyzer for S3

IAM Access Analyzer for S3

This will create the IAM access analyzer.

IAM Access Analyzer for S3

Now, we could validate the S3 bucket access policy even before deploying it using the IAM access analyzer that we have setup in the above steps.

Validate S3 bucket access permissions before deploying with IAM Access Analyzer

With IAM access analyzer, you could validate the access policy that you have configured for the S3 bucket before deploying it. You can preview the access analyzer findings related to the access for the S3 bucket and get to know whether the policy introduces new findings or resolves any existing findings.

In the procedure, we will create a S3 bucket, add a access policy and validate it with IAM access analyzer before deploying it.

For this demo,we have already created a S3 bucket with name “demo-s3-01”

IAM Access Analyzer for S3

Click on the bucket and then click on permissions. You can find the bucket policy section where you can add a new policy.

IAM Access Analyzer for S3

Click on “Edit” and add the below sample policy for the bucket. Below the screen, you can see option “Preview external access”.

“Id”: “Policy1693052269643”,
“Version”: “2012-10-17”,
“Statement”: [
“Sid”: “Stmt1693052264488”,
“Action”: “s3:*”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::demo-s3-01”,
“Principal”: “*”

IAM Access Analyzer for S3

You can now choose the access analyzer and click on preview

IAM Access Analyzer for S3

By clicking on “Preview” you can see the findings generated for the bucket policy.
In this case, the findings generated is as below.

IAM Access Analyzer for S3

The policy provides full permissions for all principals. Hence, now this finding provides us the security concerns with this policy statement. The policy can be modified to avoid the security concerns and then applied again.


In conclusion, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer for Amazon S3 is a valuable tool for maintaining a robust security posture within your AWS environment. Validating the S3 bucket policy even before applying it is preventive mechanism that protects from providing unauthorized access to the data in the S3 bucket.

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