Vembu SalesDeskis a full featured cloud based sales management crm software for all type of businesses. You can take all the capabilities Vembu SalesDesk offers to you for all type of  businesses. As an all in-one software , Vembu SalesDesk offers everything  you need  to find and keep customers, close deals and grow your business. Features include Lead management, Contact management, Opportunity management, team collaboration by events, tasks and many more – all in one and easy to use.

How easy to Use Vembu SalesDesk?

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Vembu SalesDesk is a cloud CRM software, which gives you anytime , anywhere access to your data and it offers an easy User interface that does not require much of learning curve. There is a simple navigation bar at the top of the window where each category is separated into tab such as Dashboard,  Contacts, Accounts, Leads, Opportunities,Tasks, Events and more. This layout makes it very easy to get to where we want to go. You don’t have to search around for what we need.

To try Vembu SalesDesk yourself before purchasing it, sign up for a free trial here

Vembu SalesDesk Features

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Vembu SalesDeskis all about streamlining the sales process to help your business close deals quickly and easily. Everything is done in an efficient and automated way, and the Vembu SalesDesk is designed to provide all of the information. All you need to do is to manage contacts, find leads and turn prospects into customers.

Here are some of the features that Vembu SalesDesk  offers:

Lead Management

Vembu SalesDesk lets you make smarter marketing decisions while giving you all the tools you need to turn those prospects into sales opportunities. First, the software gives you a big-picture view of each lead by tracking them all the way back to which campaigns and marketing channels they came from, including social media. This lets you see where your marketing efforts are and aren’t working, as well as which have the most impact on your sales pipeline. Next, Vembu SalesDesk captures leads from Webforms by capturing website visitors information directly into your Vembu SalesDesk and also provides the option to import the more no.of Leads as a bulk input from a CSV file. Leads list can be exported as a CSV file.

Contact Management

Vembu SalesDesk offers a robust contact management system that lets you do more than a traditional address card would. In addition to storing phone numbers, addresses and other contact information, the software keeps other important data to give you a 360-degree view of each customer. For instance, each customer profile includes critical data like activity histories, and internal notes and discussions. Profiles also stores contact’s social media accounts — including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter  — so sales agents can instantly respond to questions and concerns. The system also provides an option to export the required Contact list as a CSV file.

Opportunity Management

Vembu SalesDesk lets you efficiently manage opportunities and quickly close deals with built-in deal stages. For potential accounts and Leads an opportunity can be created to track them until that opportunity end up with closed-lost or closed-won. An opportunity can be categorized as new, evaluating, contracting, closed-won, closed-lost and invalid opportunities. From above stages it can be analysed who’s gonna buy your product. You can view your opportunities size based on the stages in view drop down option. You can export opportunities as CSV file. At a time your sales team will be able to change stage type for multiple opportunities.


Vembu SalesDesk aims to make it easy to generate and analyze reports.  Reports include real-time charts, graphs in Dashboard and numerical stats based on different sales metrics as a separate reports.

While you login into Vembu SalesDesk, the dashboard greets you with a wide range of report widget that give you a bird’s-eye view of how your business is performing.

This consists of sales metrics represented in different forms of charts.

Miscellaneous features


Vembu SalesDesk provides event management feature to organize events and track them. This provides calendar/event sharing provision with view/edit permissions while sharing the calendar and also the reminder notifications for scheduled events. As a result there can be multiple admins for a calendar where any shared User with the edit permission can create,edit and share the event.

Task Management

Team coordination is key in a successful sales process. One of the requirements of team management is to be able to assign tasks for team-members. Further team members may also need to add tasks to each other.

Considering the above mentioned requirements for effective team management Vembu SalesDesk offers an effective task management system to create,assign and manage the tasks with the help of task reminder notifications for an efficient team management. This system provides options to the Users to create,edit,assign,complete and re-open the tasks at anytime required.

Sales Emails

Organizations would have atleast one email address that serve as a public-face for sales conversations and sales-related queries. For this, Vembu SalesDesk through some simple email configurations can be made to act as a tool that sales team can use to receive and respond to sales queries and thereby having active sales conversations with contacts via emails. Also, these emails are grouped as sales conversations allowing sales team access the content in email-thread like interface.

Please click here to learn more about Vembu CRM Suite and click here to refer the pricing of the same.

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