Cloud backup is something that all businesses are migrating towards, in the recent past. The question that arises is that, what is the reason for the movement and how does this impact businesses ?

The reason behind this move by businesses towards cloud is to have “a system, network, or process that can handle a growing amount of work in a capable manner through the ability to dynamically enhance its capacity to accommodate that growth”. Businesses wants to ease out the work of managing data in a better manner.  At the same time, they have concerns revolving around data security, even in the case of off site backups which is not totally under their purview.

Protect Your Data with BDRSuite

Cost-Effective Backup Solution for VMs, Servers, Endpoints, Cloud VMs & SaaS applications. Supports On-Premise, Remote, Hybrid and Cloud Backup, including Disaster Recovery, Ransomware Defense & more!

Data security & restore:

One of critical aspects of data security when it comes to backing up in cloud infrastructure is loss of data. It is something that no one wants on their plate due to its unimaginable and potentially damaging impact. But is it enough just to prevent the loss of data simply through backups ? What if you are not able to recover the data when there is a need for it, like in case of a disaster ?

This is where Vembu comes into picture, as we give you an easy restore option for the data that you have backed up in our cloud with no additional effort.

Key advantages with the Vembu Solution:

  • Reliability when it comes to the offsite backup module.
  • Use of amazon web services which gives you 99.99% security of data in its cloud.
  • Speedy recovery of data even during a disaster which makes business continuity a breeze.
  • Anytime anywhere restore of data.
  • Scalability which adjust to workloads

We have a fanatical 24/7 support team which will answer your queries in no time. You can contact our support team at

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