As the Fourth of July approaches, many people are looking forward to a fun and delightful holiday. To make the most of this time and ensure a peaceful celebration, it’s essential to prioritize the ‘Data Protection’, which is crucial for businesses.

Recently, There has been a concerning increase in cyber attacks targeted against businesses. According to Forbes 2023 Cybersecurity Trends & Statistics Report – “It is estimated that 560,000 new pieces of malware are detected every day and that there are now more than 1 billion malware programs circulating. This translates to four companies falling victim to ransomware attacks every minute”. These attacks span from data breaches to ransomware, leading to financial and reputational damage for businesses. In order to prevent these disruptions in your business operations and be at ease regarding your data, it is crucial to protect your data with a reliable backup solution.

Protect Your Data with BDRSuite

Cost-Effective Backup Solution for VMs, Servers, Endpoints, Cloud VMs & SaaS applications. Supports On-Premise, Remote, Hybrid and Cloud Backup, including Disaster Recovery, Ransomware Defense & more!

Here are the top 7 key considerations for selecting the right backup solution for your business:

  1. Comprehensive Backup: Choose a comprehensive backup software that offers a reliable and robust solution for protecting data across diverse IT environments, encompassing virtual and physical servers, cloud workloads, SaaS applications, and critical business applications
  2. Flexible Recovery: Make sure the backup solution offers various recovery options, such as Instant recovery, granular file-level restores, bare-metal recovery, Full VM recovery & more to cater for different disaster recovery scenarios. Having flexibility in restoring data will enable faster recovery and minimize downtime
  3. Flexible Storage Support: Make sure the backup solution offers you flexible storage options such as local disk, NAS, SAN or Cloud storage options like S3, Azure Blob, Google, Wasabi, etc
  4. Security: Make sure the backup software incorporates robust encryption methods to protect your sensitive information both during transfer and at rest
  5. Scalability: Consider the scalability of the backup software to accommodate your growing data needs
  6. Ease of Use: Choose backup software that is user-friendly and intuitive for less learning curve and better user experience
  7. Cost-Effective: Selecting software that combines advanced features while remaining cost-effective to meet budget requirements is important

BDRSuite – #1 Cost-Effective Backup Software for SMBs, Enterprises, and Service Providers

BDRSuite is the most cost-effective and comprehensive on-premise, remote, or hybrid backup solution that incorporates all the key features mentioned above, ensuring robust security for your valuable data.

With BDRSuite, you can protect your data across Virtual Machines (VMware, Hyper – V, KVM), Physical Servers and Endpoints (Windows, Linux and Mac), Public Cloud Workloads (AWS, Azure), SaaS Applications (Microsoft 365, Google Workspace), and Applications & DBs (Exchange Server, SQL Server, SharePoint, MySQL).

Download BDRSuite and start your 30-day Free Trial today!

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BDRSuite’s MSP Backup Solution

BDRSuite’s MSP Backup Solution is designed exclusively for Managed Service Providers (MSPs), Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), and Hosting Service Providers (HSPs).
BDRSuite understands the diverse backup needs of MSPs and offers a tailored partner program, robust features, scalability, and reliable support. With BDRSuite, MSPs can deliver on-premise, remote, or hybrid backup solutions, utilizing their own infrastructure or clients’ infrastructure.

BDRSuite Partner program offers exclusive pricing for MSPs at an unimaginably low price, empowering MSPs to deliver cost-effective backup solutions while maximizing profitability.

BDRSuite Partner program also offers:

  • No minimum monthly commitments
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing
  • Bigger discounts for upfront payment
  • 24/7 Technical Support and dedicated account manager

Join BDRSuite’s MSP partner program today and enhance your backup services with cost-effective and unified data protection solutions.

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