Cloud is one of the most hyped up terms in recent times and we hear it incessantly around the technology and business world. Cloud is not just another IT fad passing through the night as it is all around us, defining a new economic and service paradigm. Now, the real question about the digital cloud is whether it is still being hyped up or do we witness the way through its acceptance as a mainstream technology.

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Consider the lifecycle of a new technology which streams through various phases: initial breakthrough, height of hype, waning of interest, slope of business benefits and mainstream adoption in a broader market. Cloud Computing has trekked through these phases and stays amidst the plateau of productivity as we are witnessing a fundamental shift in the overall adoption of cloud among varied communities – developers, CIOs, CFOs and businesses.

Developers are likely to adopt cloud because of its flexibility and speed; it allows them to build applications faster and deploy quickly on a readily available platform which can be easily scaled upon demand. Fundamentally, it improves productivity, gains efficiencies and increases collaboration.

Business units claim that cloud can be used readily out of the box which requires no maintenance; they no longer have to worry about upgrading data centers and servers. It also provides built-in scalability, redundancy and resiliency.

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The finance side of business saves a lot with cloud as they can avoid unnecessary capital expenditure, overhead charges (such as data storage costs, management costs, software updates), headcount and budget. Furthermore, organizations can take advantage of the cloud business model which is affordable, flexible and reduces fixed IT costs.

The IT on the other hand who used to get nightmares about the security in the cloud has already started showing interest towards its adoption. In the face of the cloud, the IT needs to reinvent itself to become the enablers of new technologies as these changes are inevitable.

Impact of Cloud On The File Sharing Market

Looking into the cosmos of business file sharing services, the adoption of cloud is rising at an astounding rate because of its benefits like increased agility, improved flexibility and reduced capital spending. However, the traditional on-premise file sharing services will always be part of the foreseeable future though the impact of cloud services is supposed to displace a certain proposition in the market.

Indeed, it is the same reason why we at Vembu align ourselves to your organizational needs to offer both the on-premise and cloud-based file sharing options to help you improve overall business productivity. Business owners and IT administrators need to carefully analyze the business requirements to create a holistic strategy to choose the best deployment option that will suit your business model. What is your preference – Cloud or On-Premise and why? Let us know your comments below.

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By Sajesh Krishnadas, Product Management & Marketing at Vembu Technologies. Vembu File Sharing is a simple, secure and powerful file sharing and collaboration solution designed for businesses with simple and easy-to-use interface for users and the right level of control, visibility and security for the IT.