Every businesses depends on their customers to generate their revenues and customers are the heart of each businesses. While getting more customers, managing all their data using emails and spreadsheets is not going to help sort your business. You need to find an efficient process where you could record all the required information from a lead generated to lead converted as customer.

A company spends more on marketing to generate more leads to the products and services. The generated prospects are engaged by the sales team to convert them into their customers. If a sales leads are not followed up at the right time, you can lose your business with that prospective customers.

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“It’s about keeping a customer engaged, not aggressively selling your product or service.”

Vembu SalesDesk helps you to efficiently engage with your leads and convert them into customers through various stages of follow-ups. Below is a simple flow diagram explains you various stages of lead generation to conversion:

Vembu SalesDesk helps you to efficiently engage with your leads and convert them into customers through various stages of follow-ups. FREE for 3 users.


Prospective customers (leads) are generated through marketing activities, road shows, advertisements, social media like Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn, calls and emails. These leads are recorded under the leads section with the contact information and background about the company.

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Leads generated are assigned to the sales person and qualified for the further follow-ups. An opportunity is created for each qualified lead and respective tasks are created for the opportunity. Task can be an email, call, product demo, webinar and chat. Tasks are completed as per the scheduling and customer’s request.

Our prospective customers opportunity in the Vembu CRM keeps changing based on the stages of interaction. A qualified lead after completing the product demo starts the evaluation of the product and the opportunity is changed to evaluation. A satisfied lead would contact us back to discuss on pricing of the product or services and the opportunity is changed to contract.

These stages helps the sales manager to set a strategy and increase the sales conversion rate based on the follow-ups. He gets a clear insight of how many leads have contacted the company, evaluating the product or contracting with them. He is confident about his sales pipeline and target to be achieved for the current month and upcoming months.



Once the lead has purchased, the opportunity stage is changed to opportunity-won and those converted leads are classified as paid customers for your company. SalesDesk display those converted leads under Accounts and you can keep track of your customer’s conversation with your company in a single page. Business leads are converted into business customers and it’s about keeping a customer engaged, not aggressively selling your product or service.

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