BDRSuite Backup Server

This section provides an overview of the BDRSuite Backup Server, including its introduction, and explores the diverse methods and platforms available for installing the BDRSuite Backup Server.

What is a BDRSuite Backup Server?

A BDRSuite Backup Server is a dedicated server that handles the task of backing up data from multiple platforms like physical (Windows/Linux/Mac), virtual(VMware/Hyper-V), Cloud (AWS Workloads) & SaaS(Microsoft 365/Google Workspace). Its primary purpose is to create copies of important data and store them in a secure location. The backup server manages the backup process, scheduling regular backups, and maintaining backup copies for recovery when needed.

You can download the BDRSuite Backup Server and it can be deployed in the following  two different ways, providing flexibility based on your specific needs and infrastructure.

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