Vembu BDR Suite » Management » BDR Users

BDR Users

This feature allows you to create and manage multiple user profiles for different roles to access the web console.

  1. From the Management tab, click the BDR Users option.
  1. Click the Add User option.
  1. A pop-up window will be displayed with the following options:
  • Username - Provide a username to be created.
  • Access privilege - By default, this is selected as Admin.
  • Password - Password for login
  • Confirm Password - Confirm password provided
  1. Once done providing the details, click Create User.
  2. This page lists all users created with the following attributes detailed:
  • Username, Role, Accessed Groups, Access Privilege, Change Password and Delete User
  1. You can delete a created user but will be required to provide the appropriate user password assigned.