Bandwidth Throttling

The bandwidth throttling option enables you to limit the network bandwidth used by backup jobs. This helps in balanced network usage in a work environment. Navigate to Backup -> Configure Backup Settings ->Bandwidth Throttling. 

Information Note: If bandwidth throttling is configured in both client and backup server, then the bandwidth throttling setting of the backup server will be active over client settings for backup jobs

Options to Bandwidth Throttle

  • When you enabled bandwidth throttling from the client-side, you will have two options to choose from:
    • Throttle bandwidth always
    • Throttle bandwidth ‘From’ - ‘To’

Throttle bandwidth always- This option will keep the applied bandwidth limit always active.

Throttle bandwidth ‘From’ - ‘To’- This option allows you to specify a time frame when the applied throttling will be active.

  • You will be asked to specify the maximum throttle limit on client machines that range in Kbps, Mbps, Gbps.
  • Also, a check-box to disable throttling during weekends is provided, enable it when required. 

Once done selecting the required configuration, click Save.
